In one of the metro stations I heard a woman crying out. "S'il vous plait. S'il vous plait". I saw a blind woman and her guide dog. Lost in the metro station. She knew where she wanted to go but did not know how to get there.
I have done this before. I walked up, asked her if I could help. Having been lost for awhile by this time, she was upset. Her dog was stressed. I asked if I could guide her a bit (in my only passable French). When she agreed I led her and her dog down a hall, up two flights of stairs and finally left her waiting for her train.
Of course my immediate stress about not quite knowing how to get where I was going went away. And you know what replaced it?
You might think I felt gratitude for my situation compared to hers.
Or a new-found sense of challenge about my little adventure into new territory.Nope
Instead I got a chance to reflect on my current feelings about being lost. Not knowing where I want to go. How on earth will I ever know how to get there? Wherever there is.
Damn it I don't even have a dog to guide me.
Today I was in a hurry. I didn't know exactly where I was going. I didn't know exactly how to get there. But somehow a blind woman lost in a metro station managed her journey with a little help and so will I.
so true. the universe will get you there.