Monday, May 21, 2012

The um, well you know which room I mean

I have been thinking I could write about the er facilities of the world. Starting with what we call them. For some reason in English we never call them what they are. We say rest room, wash room, ladies room, loo, but never toilet. Why? Are we ever desperate for a rest? No - much more likely that we need the toilet. And about those...
Many of us have now had the less than pleasurable experience of perching over a well designed hole on the floor, but what other surprises have you had?

  • I described in an earlier blog my Shanghai experience with wash, dry, scent and oh-la-la!
  • Also in Shanghai separate loos for senior managers in the office
  • In Sorrento a 12 second timer on the light. Yes I know it is possible to pee in the dark, but it is kind of spooky. And who selected 12 seconds anyway - an incredibly fast peeing machine?
  • In Paris co-ed spots, often for washing up and sometimes for everything
  • Also in Paris only saloon doors between men and us blushing brides
  • In many places in Italy no seat by design (good exercise for the quads)
  • Gold plated faucets at The Paris Ritz.
  • In Bali (I heard) a soup pot that apparently resembled a pee pot (can't quite imagine) and almost was used for the wrong purpose by my friend
  • How about this rather obvious indicator of gender at a Johannesburg restaurant? There should be no doubt which room is the ladies and which is the gents. Although I am not sure they help the average person to self-identify!

Now don't describe anything gross please but if you have a bathroom adventure story I would love to hear it.


  1. When I was a kid (pre-teen) Saturday afternoon indoor roller skating became the social thing to do. As you went around the wood floor oval the "bathrooms" (toilets) were designed so the you glided off into something like a service lane and coasted into the swinging doors of the toilets. I guess you know whats coming.... I was speeding way too fast, trying to impress the girls, as I entered the service lane and I skated beautifully straight into the girls room! Straight into a pack of screaming young ladies. My exit was no less embarrassing when I saw the crowd of skaters all at dead stop waiting to see was all the screaming was about. I guess I did impress the girls! I feebly tried to explain I couldn't see the HUGH sign that said WOMEN over the door.

    1. See this is exactly the kind of story I am looking for! I am laughing my head off!


Waiting to hear from you!