Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Week in Paris. Saturday was day 6

So French history, Canadian beer, Indian food, salsa - what's next?

Saturday evening was "Think Globally, Eat Locally" at Andre and Shelly's apartment. You may remember Shelly, she was the organizer of the Thai Lao dinner a couple of weeks ago - my neighbor from Antigonish.

This was a glass jar mini-meal, meaning everyone was to bring a glass jar to drink from. Some guests brought cool jars, others an ordinary jam jar. I alas had no proper jar, due to the absence of food that ever enters my home. (Rumour has it that this is my reason for being mouse-less when my neighbours have many.)

In any case no matter the vessel it was filled and refilled all evening with champagne and then wine. Home made cheese crackers with tequila red pepper jelly were provided, followed by chili and fresh baked garlic rolls. Delicious. Dessert was chocolate cake with cherry sauce and creme - yum!

The food was good and the company even better. I met people from France, Italy, Canada, United States, Australia, Romania, Chile, Ukraine, Laos, and a few more I think. Everyone was so welcoming and interesting - I had a grand time. By 11 a few of us were doing our best to help Shelly finish off the wine. What a good time.

Made me miss the rugby final the next day though...


  1. I like the secret behind the "mouse"less house. In order to test this solution, I am gonna ask my neighbor if I can use their kitchen. ;)

    It was an exciting week for you...?? :)

  2. Every week is exciting in Paris!


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